Former Daytona 500 winner McDowell will leave Front Row Motorsports for Spire in 2025

politics2024-06-03 19:45:196936

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Shortly after Michael McDowell said Wednesday he would not return to Front Row Motorsports after this season, Spire Motorsports announced it had signed the former Daytona 500 winner to a multiyear contract.

McDowell will drive the No. 71 Chevrolet for Spire starting next season. He will be teamed with Corey LaJoie and Carson Hocevar at Spire.

“This is a new chapter for my family and me, and we’re incredibly thankful for the opportunity that’s in front of us,” McDowell said. “It’s going to take some hard work, but I feel like everything is in place for us to be successful as a race team — to win races and contend for championships.

“People are the greatest asset to any organization, and with Spire’s vision, ambition, knowledge and dedication, we will achieve great things. Failure is not an option, and that’s the mindset that it will take to achieve our goals.”

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